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Scheduled outages will occur every Saturday at 8pm for re-indexing. Duration of outage will be approximately 5-10 minutes. 


18/02/25 - Project updates available 20/02/2025.

Update to HREA:

Changes to sites / Committee names

Update to Mater forms:

Major changes to the Mater Waiver SSA (renamed to Mater SSA – Short-form) and Mater Progress and Final Report forms.

Minor changes to Mater SSA, Amendment and Quality Assurance and Case Report forms. 

17/10/24 - Project updates available.

Update to Queensland Health forms:

Minor updates to forms.

11/07/24 - Project updates available.

Update to Mater forms:

Four new Safety reporting forms introduced, to bring processes in line with current safety reporting requirements. These forms replace the current Safety Report and IB Updates form. The Serious Adverse Events form has been significantly modified.

Update to Queensland Health Forms:

Minor updates to subforms.

Update to VIC Forms: 

The Victorian Low and Negligible Risk (LNR) VIC form has been renamed to Low Risk VIC form to align with the National Statement regarding low risk pathways for research projects in Victoria.

NEW: Low Risk Notification Form (used for the purpose of either an Amendment, Progress Report, Site Audit Report and Final Report) as a subform of the Low Risk VIC Form.

21/03/24 - Project update available 21 March 2024

Update to HREA:

-Update to include VIC site

Update to Mater forms:

-Major changes to layout of Amendment and Exempt Research forms, introduction of new QA Projects and Case Reports form, minor changes to SSA form. 

Update to Victoria Forms:

-Minor updates to subforms

General Form Update Guidance - Project Update Summaries are available in FAQ

If your form was included in the update you will see a warning message to update your project at the top of the form.

If you have any unsubmitted or unlocked forms we recommend that you obtain any required signatures and submit the form PRIOR TO updating the project to avoid losing data or signatures.

This will mean any NEW questions added to the form or new rules will not apply to that version of the form. Please remember to update the project AFTER you have submitted.

IF YOU CHOOSE TO UPDATE, always print and save a copy of any un-submitted or un-locked form(s) before updating. WARNING! Answers in the form may disappear as the question or dependency may have changed.

* The form's version number is displayed in the heading of every form page

General Notice

Ethics RM CANNOT be used in Internet Explorer as it is no longer a supported browser as of 31st July 2021. Please use alternate browser eg Chrome, Edge.

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